They say bad luck follows a person who crosses path with a black cat.
Raft3r may be a lot of things. Being superstitious sure ain’t one of them.
I am a big Loch Ness fan, believe in the existence of aliens, adhere to conspiracy theories, and think Elvis still lives.
As you can probably notice, Raft3r is pretty open minded. But the concept of superstition is a bit lame, if you ask me.
So a couple of weeks ago, a black cat walked pass me. Raft3r did not pay too much attention to this incident, until now. After all, black cats form a big part of the Mali Bay community.
Raft3r has lost both pins for his company sponsored and personal credit cards. I was out of town for work and badly needed some cash advance, but couldn’t find my ATM pins.
Besides the monetary constraint, my seldomly used Picanto got hit by a taxi. Fresh from its regular check up, my subcompact received some heavy hitting from an irresponsible cab driver.
Raft3r also lost his beloved Armani sunglasses.
All these occurred right after the black cat encounter.
Raft3r has many. Lemme share with you the most recent one.
On an early Monday morning, Raft3r was on an elevator ride with an elderly male office mate. He looked familiar. So I immediately struck a conversation with him.
In that short span of time, we talked about his family and other personal stuff I knew about him.
Things were going pretty well until it was time for me to get off the elevator. I bid him farewell and called him by his name.
That’s when it happened.
Before Raft3r could step out of the elevator, I heard the old gentleman say: “By the way, my name is NOT Vic.”
I turned red. Raft3r immediately apologized and blamed everything on mistaken identity.
I thought the person I was speaking with was ‘Vic’ who was recently honored by the top honchos in the office.
Man, Raft3r even congratulated the old guy on the elevator. I was totally humiliated.
I went on with my errand and put the whole incident behind me. Ten minutes later, fate was kind enough to let Raft3r run into him again and still on the elevator.
I tried to turn away but second guessed myself since the gesture was too obvious. Raft3r stepped in the elevator. I gave him a quick smile. The old man went on and said he knew ‘Vic’ personally.
Raft3r remained mum and silently prayed to make the elevator ride go faster.
1. Get out of Baltimore alive. 2. Skydive. 3. Get married in Boracay. 4. Purchase a condo, preferably near work. 5. Switch to Blu-ray. 6. Be interviewed on TV. 7. Write a book. I can’t help but laugh at the idea. 8. Have kids. Twins would be awesome. Cute ones, please. 9. Take life more seriously. 10. Watch Aj get married. 11. Have an encounter with Martina Hingis. 12. Be in a movie. I can act. 13. Play tennis with Patrick Rafter. 14. Be debt free. 15. Work for the United Nations. 16. Catch the US Open live. 17. Stop procrastinating. 18. Have 7 girlfriends at the same time. 19. Lie consistently. 20. Dress appropriately for my age. 21. Own an island in Palawan. 22.Practice yoga. 23. Take mom to Europe. 24. Stop annoying my next door neighbor. 25. Visit M&M in Australia. 26. Be invited to an orgy. 27. Lose weight. 28. Adopt a chow chow. 29. Learn to play a musical instrument. 30. Be allergy free. 31. Live in New York. 32. Become a vegetarian. 33. Learn to love enemies. 34. Be the voice of my generation. 35. Stop plotting my revenge on high school bullies. 36. Blog more. 37. Run naked in a very public place. 38. Be responsible. 39. Search for the perfect smoothie. 40. Wake up early. 41. Drive responsibly. 42. Be abducted by aliens. 43. Eat sensibly. 44. Get mobbed by fans. 45. Buy my nieces a pony. 46. Finally tell my folks about the Picanto. 47. Become a sports commentator for Wimbledon. 48. Stop complaining. 49. Pray more. 50. Learn to commit. 51. Be practical. 52. Send apology letters to all my exes. 53. Meet Jodie Foster. 54. Go to Graceland. 55. Invent something. 56. Visit Batanes. 57. Get certified for diving. 58. Sex on the beach. 59. Have my teeth whitened. 60. Buy a MacBook. 61. A dinner party with Hannibal Lecter, Dana Scully, and Stewie from Family Guy. 62. Have a Google page ranking of 10 for The Deadbeat Club. 63. A vacation in Tokyo. 64. Learn to ski. 65. Have Hugh Hefner’s lifestyle when I turn 50. 66. Stash more cash in the bank. 67. Learn to say no. 68. Complete the entire Janet Jackson catalogue. She’s HOT! 69. Buy stocks and bonds. 70. Start jogging. 71. Become a rock star. 72. Get paid to talk. 73. Eat at IHOP everyday. 74. Sleep all day. 75. A rest house in Tagaytay. 76. Make my country proud. 77. Witness a Marian apparition. 78. A picnic at Central Park with the entire Friends gang. 79. Run a marathon. 80. Engage in charity work. 81. Learn to surf. 82. Curse more. 83. Inspire others. 84. Put up a rehab center for DVD addicts. 85. Have breakfast in bed with Angelina Jolie. 86. Be a ball boy at the Aussie Open. 87. Persuade Denise Richards to give up acting. 88. Grow a full beard. 89. Pick up a new language. 90. Read more. 91. Spend less. 92. Recycle. 93. Start answering my phone calls. 94. Get rid of negativity. 95. Stop making up stories just to make my life more interesting. 96. Hold a giant anaconda. That’s no gay talk. 97. Take a trip to Africa. 98. Learn something from this 11 week training in Maryland. 99. Know how to change tires. 100. Be funny as hell.
I don’t blame them. Times are hard. It doesn’t help that the US economy is on a downward spiral. Go Bush!
Indeed, a global financial crisis is upon us.
Prices are on the constant rise and salary increases seem to be a distant thing of the past.
The sudden emergence of cash loan centers is a strong indication of how weak the world economy is. At least, they offer convenience and a quick fix to monetary problems.
One of the perils of traveling is running out of cash.
On Raft3r’s first week in Baltimore, my company sponsored credit card did not arrive on time. I had to initially shoulder all my expenses, including paying for my hotel accommodation.
Boy, was it stressful.
My own credit card couldn’t pay for my bills. So Raft3r had to find other ways to cover all expenses.
An office mate provided me with the perfect solution: cash advance.
It’s the fast and easy answer to any financial need. Raft3r immediately filed an application and received his money right away. Problem solved.
It’s hard enough to be stranded in a foreign land. To be totally penniless is nerve wracking. It’s something Raft3r would not want to experience ever again.
A cash advance is a life saver. It's the modern day super hero.
As an early Christmas treat to all avid readers, Raft3r is giving away Gap Body Mists.
Here are the rules:
1. Express your interest in joining the contest by placing a comment on this post. 2. State your top three favorite blog entries by Raft3r. 3. Place a comment on each of your three favorite posts, as well. 4. Contest ends 20th of October.